White collar/ Investigations

White collar crime in India typically is rooted through various sources including anti-bribery and corruption laws, corporate compliance, money laundering, corporate and accounting fraud, financial statements fraud, discrepancies in Multilateral Development Banks, insider trading, protection and security issues, as well as global regulations like the FCPA, UKBA and SEC. We have a proven expertise in representing in white collar cases, both in preventing and prosecuting them.

Our proficiency in investigations is anchored on a deep understanding of the intricate legal requirements and the risks associated with regulatory and investigative actions. This is why our clients trust us to provide guidance on effectively managing complex and high-stakes investigation. In addition to our commercially savvy approach, our clients appreciate the mature and pragmatic strategies we develop, which are crucial when dealing with sensitive matters.

We are well-equipped to offer advice on and handle the substantial litigation typically associated with such cases, spanning various forums, including arbitration. Our services encompass legal counsel on contractual irregularities, integrity assessments and field intelligence services and potential violations under criminal law and public law spheres.

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